Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year/Year in review

2016 has been a year full of events. We upgraded to a better VPS host for our TS server (that has had an uptime for over half a year) and switched web hosts for our website. A world bot was created for our TS (credit to Tghost.) A tracker was developed and placed on the homepage of this website (credit to Win2tank.) Our FC joined an alliance, only to leave that alliance a short while later (we’re very happy that we got out of it.) A little while later we joined a far better alliance. An FC attempted to vanquish our FC over some drama, only to fail miserably. We promoted two people to gold star rank.
We expect to continue to grow stronger in 2017 and continue to nurturer our relationship and work with our new Warbands friends. We wish you a happy remainder of the Christmas celebration and a happy New Year.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas!

The leadership of Masterbands wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! 

We have two new gold star ranks: Artisan and Heath.  We also had quite a few other promotions. Congratulations to all of those that were promoted. 

BTW, Pin wanted me to post the screenie (your's truly was busy doing a clue scroll):